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Writing prompt

Kitchen sink realism

The Underbelly Team

“Kitchen sink realism” is a British cultural movement of the late 1950s and early 1960s that endeavoured to portray honest depictions of the complicated and mostly unglamorous lives of working-class characters. It focused on their problems and frustrations, exploring themes such as job dissatisfaction, sex outside of marriage, abortion and adultery. It sought to reflect the issues and concerns at the heart of the home.

What these works and all the others that can be classified as “kitchen sink” have in common is the prominent figure of “the angry young man.” This character archetype is not only angry but bitter and disillusioned with life, maintaining throughout the storyline that life dealt them a bad hand. What this characer craves most of all is radical change...

Write a piece that explores the frustrations and bitterness of a character.


  • Why are they disillusioned with life?

  • What radical change are they craving most?

  • What issue is gripping the heart of their home?

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