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untitled 1
A.R. Meadowcroft
i wake as an effigy,
an offering to the world
hoisted up, clothed, and set ablaze
representing nothing.
i am led towards the mundane,
the chains of duty dragging my heavy legs,
into a vomit yellow office sterilised by fake light
to earn money for someone somewhere else.
i traipse back to the flat,
the silence of evening broken by screeching
from dirt-mottled strays contesting strangers' scraps
strewn from tipped bins like a plastic Pollock.
i dream of haunting figures
that jut at grotesque angles
clawing at me in desperation then
disintegrating back into reality.
i wake.
Alex Meadowcroft is an award-winning Northern poet looking for beauty in the mundane.
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