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Inked Statement Of Intent

Mark McConville

We met that night and succumbed to the dark edges

Formed a bond with the sinners who carried emblems depicting,

The state of a world, and how it will end.

It’s frightening times, but you smoke the life out of a cigarette

And do not dampen our mood, as the planet disconnects

You’re the life-stream, a natural embrace, someone,

Unmarred by decaying dreams.

I hope we can escape here

The fires are endlessly burning the land

The men and women are turning into zombies

We’re meat for their mouths.

Trying to sustain the pressure breaks us

We’re missing the mark

We’re being watched by animals and the toughest of all,

The man in the palace.

He reads a scroll

One ordering us all to fall

An inked statement of intent.

Mark McConville is a freelance music journalist who has written for many online and print publications. He also likes to write dark fiction and poetry.

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