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Sara Sheldrake

she starts at my ankle

works up my leg

strokes my shoulders, back, abdomen

an illicit rush. She saw me

thinks I might live

a life

of risk

a life where hidden inside me

are secrets

worth more than my life, that could explode

leave me mad or dead

and in that moment, I wish

that instead of carrying Pac-a-macs and sunscreen and antihistamines

of lists and rule following and multivitamins and plasters

I lived the life

that made her want to touch me

Sara earned a Creative Writing Masters from the University of Lancaster and the Chancellor’s Medal and Best Portfolio Prize.

Her stories have been published in anthologies by Praspar Press and the Writer’s Workout, as well as the National Flash Flood and The Amphibian.

In September 2024, she will begin a Creative Writing PhD at the University of Suffolk specializing in historic fiction.

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