After rain
Tomasz Lesniara
Even the most loyal of individuals
would eventually tire
of wandering up and down cold walls
in the middle of the night
wearing nothing but a ripped dressing gown
For years, I lived in that remote farmhouse with him
in and out, like a delivery driver
tracking the movements, intensity and volume
of my own breath and eyesight
with an app
I swear, at times when he wasn’t there
the inside of my body felt alien and out of time
leaving me with an urge to turn my skin inside out
as the mouldy blinds bumped against each other
in the pristinely clean wind
With each coming winter
it felt like our calendar doubled in page count
but it’s hard for me not to tear up
when I think of a struggle that – despite its intensity – was a shared one
like when a juvenile pop singer goes through the same type of shit
that ripped your heart to pieces at sixteen
Tomasz Lesniara is a writer and poet based in Scotland, originally from Poland. His poetry has been published in Poetry Ireland Review. His journalism and essays can be found in The Guardian, The Independent, Archer Magazine, Attitude, VICE, and more.